Tuesday, January 20, 2009

merryweather post pavillion

A lot of people are tripping over themselves to praise the latest Animal Collective album, so much that my first instinct was actually to be extremely critical of the new album. But after hearing Merryweather Post Pavillion, it's easy to see why everybody loves it. It is quite simply one of the best album we'll be hearing this year. Gorgeous melodies, haunting harmonies, I suppose this is something Brian Wilson would do were he born in our post-rock world. The thing I like most about the Collective is their willingness to let a song, or a melody find its own course, and this method of songwriting has reached its peak in this album. Every song in this album has its own charm. Even songs which don't start promising will reveal a beautiful melody, or in some case, melodies, before the songs reach their end. If another album can top Merryweather this year, which frankly, I really can't see happening, 2009 will be consigned to history as one of music's best year.

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