Sunday, January 28, 2007


Halfway refreshed and almost back in the land of the living. The last 2 nights have been excessiv drinking and smoking. And now that my brain can function normally again I'm going to write something I've been thinking the past few days. Anyway, one of the exam I wrote was history of medicine (there's got to be a better way to translate it, but I can't be bothered). It was fascinating. I've always been a sucker for history. Never bothered to memorize the dates, but the stuff you read there are almost always good. To cut a long story short, I started wondering how it is, if there were a subject called history of modern music. I, for one, would've emphasised 4 major changes. Namely to transition from african music, brought by the slaves to the USA and of course the eurpoean music brought to the USA by the whites, to rock n roll. The second major change would be the birth of electric music, popularized in the 60's before that one lost its momentum. Cue punk. It was a major breakthrough in terms of how we interprete music. No longer do you have to master the instrument of your choice. You want to make music? Then just play! In the same time the african american in new york started something called hip hop. Punk created the indie/underground movement, and at the same time hip hop caught the imagination of people all over the world and became a music genre of its own right. Sounds pretty good eh? I mean, I'm probably not the only one with this opinion, but imagine how fun it would be to teach this stuff to hungry young minds in, say, 20 years or so....

1 comment:

Ffonz said...

jesus, yeah man have been thinking about the exact same thing myself

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