Saturday, June 21, 2008

a day in the life

Phew! Long time since I've posted. But I take it no one was too concerned by my absence, though it may just be my own fault since I've never really bothered too build up a readership. And now I'm feeling talkative, which may have to do with the fact that I just woke up, and a certain girl wasn't available for idle chit-chat.

Saw a dead body yesterday at 7.30 in the morning. MUCH much much too early for stuff like that really. Unfortunately it is uni related, so no escaping that. Got very little sleep last night too, after an epic billiard battle which involved 4 deuces. We won with me sinking the last shot, which was a surprise because I am actually quite the bottler. Wasn't an easy one either, with the angle of the shot usually giving room to big mistake margins. Anyway, waking up I hastily made my way to the Hospital to find the patient I was supposed to meet was gone! Got herself an one day vacation the nurse said (there's no real English word for male nurses are there? In German, it's Krankenpfleger for male nurse and Krankenschwester for the female ones). And little annoyed me left the hospital in a slightly bad mood, though it soon changed after I had a luxurious 2 hour long breakfast, after which I slumped into the bed again. Gorillaz was pretty annoying to hear when you're floating in half sleep, but I managed nevertheless.

Music-wise it's been back to basic to me these last 3 days or so. The last month was, ummm, eclectic, to say the least. Released 2 new mix tapes with ole' F-man from the Lud, and that was quite an achievement. Never thought we'd get past the first one to be honest. As to what I've listened, well, there's always the lastfm thingie below right of this blog, but to put it in words, strange weird wonderful music. Which is basically what I like to hear, really. But the discovery of Kapitän Rindherz, or Captain Beefheart as he is more commonly known, or Don van Vleet, if you insist on being pedantic and hate those stupid names artists hide themselves behind. Really really weird stuff on Trout Mask Replica, and cool bluesy less avant-garde but avant-garde nonetheless stuff on Clear Spot. On the last mix tape my segment begins with someone talking about a blimp. That's his work right there. El Guincho is the other interesting discovery these last weeks. Probably Panda Bear's long lost brother or something. More or less the same concept, loops upon loops recorded anchoring a gorgeous melody in a bathroom, though Guincho mostly favors, I dunno, I suppose tropicalia flavored samples. No word of an official release here in Germany, and no appearance either, but you can bet I'm looking forward to those.

I talked earlier about my back to basic taste in music these last 3 days, and that is thanks too Times New Viking (no German release for them either! I mean JESUS!). I do wonder why I keep going back to lo-fi, amateurish sounds. To be fair, all those lo-fi bands I like do tend to produce impossibly pretty melodies, but as in the case of Times New Viking, aren't they actually ruining those said melodies by using white noise as background? And it's not really My Bloody Valentine either with their ability to produce textural backdrops. Anyway they're this lo-fi amateurish sounding band with a knack of making catchy melodies. Television Personalities is also a pretty similar case. Figuring quite high these days in my top artist list, they're not only amateurish and good at writing good songs, they also make LOAAAAAAAAADS of pop culture references. They wrote a pretty good song called I Know Where Syd Barret Lives, and when Pink Floyd brought them along on a tour as opening act, no doubt to boost their profile in the eyes of those dinosaur rock hating punks of '77, they actually revealed Syd's address after the song, which really freaked Pink Floyd out. I'm sure it wasn't done out of malice or anything. Just youthful hero worship mixed with a healthy dose of youth daftness.


And Say Children, What Does Marquevico means?

Click on the 2 links above for the rapidshare download.

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